5 Ways AI Will Change the HR Industry

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How AI Will Alter the HR Industry

  • Role of HR Managers
  • New Hire Onboarding
  • Tech Jobs
  • Automated Candidate Screening
  • Unconscious Bias

Individuals seeking or possessing a human resources degree must appreciate the vital, expanding, and ultimately transformative role artificial intelligence will play in the HR industry. AI is expected to dramatically alter the way in which certain aspects of human relations are undertaken. This includes a broad spectrum of HR processes, from hiring to onboarding to personnel management to separation.

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1. Role of HR Managers

A key impact AI will have on the HR industry is a change in the manner in which HR managers will undertake their day-to-day business. With AI taking an ever-increasing role in the HR industry, hiring managers will spend far less time on more redundant or repetitive tasks. They’ll be able to spend more time on tasks that call for creativity and decision making, duties that necessitate human input. These tasks include such matters as crafting and implementing HR strategies, managing HR issues, and dealing with budgets.

2. New Hire Onboarding

AI is expected to have a significant impact on the new hire onboarding process. Currently, a notable amount of HR resources, including personnel, are devoted to onboarding activities. With the wider utilization of AI in the human resources sector, businesses will be able to take advantage of effective onboarding strategies. These are strategies that will permit the more efficient use of organizational resources. The failure to properly onboard and integrate new hires can have highly negative consequences, including losing employees, according to Forbes magazine.

3. HR Tech Jobs

Another area in which major change will occur in human relations is in regard to the number of tech jobs in the HR industry. In the past few years, the number of tech jobs in the HR industry has increased. Going forward, that uptick will be nothing short of dramatic. With the utilization of more HR technology, the need for more employees with strong backgrounds in tech will be significant. This includes a broad spectrum of different types of tech jobs, including some that have to be created. The trend is not expected to abate any time soon.

4. Automated Candidate Screening

Artificial intelligence will have a large impact on candidate screening. The expectation is that through a wider utilization of AI, most if not all of the initial candidate screen process will be automated. Automating candidate screening frees up monetary and human resources to be expended for efficiently in other aspects of an organization’s human resources sector.

5. Unconscious Bias

Unconscious bias is an issue in any organization. Unconscious bias is something that brews under the surface in any person’s mind. No one is free from unconscious bias. This includes people with a human resources degree who have been educated about the dangers of unconscious bias. Through the wider use of AI in the HR arena, unconscious bias becomes less of a problem. This particularly is the case when it comes to the hiring process.

On so many levels, AI will revolutionize the HR industry. The myriad roles artificial intelligence can and will play in the HR industry will become a greater focus of coursework towards a human resources degree going forward into the future.