What are the Key Traits of a Talent Management Strategy?

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A person interested in business, human resources or leadership may want to know, “What are the key traits of a talent management strategy?” Talent is a human resources (HR) term for recruitment of the top tier of candidates and focuses on people who are uniquely suited to fit into a company and work in a specific position. Understanding the parts of this type of management strategy could help companies find the best employees and retain them.

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Development of a Concise Job Description

Employers can save time by developing a concise job description that will attract the attention of the type of applicants they really want. Applicants want to get what they pay for. If they bite on what looks to be a tasty morsel of a job description, and the job turns out to be much different, they will be very disappointed. Employers should indicate the job title, the overall duties and how much of the worker’s time they involve and the necessary skills for the job. Schedules, compensation and benefits should also be listed.

Assessment of the Candidate’s Cultural Fit

Describing a company’s culture can be a bit of a challenge. The assessment of an applicant’s fit for the culture of the organization would take place during the interview process. Some of the factors to consider in this part of a strategy for managing talent include the individual’s passions. If the person is passionate about volunteering or lifelong learning, and these traits fit in with the company’s mission, this is a demonstration of a good fit. Some other aspects to look at for a good cultural fit include the applicant’s tone of voice, choice of words and personal values.

Provision of Ongoing Training and Development Opportunities

A key trait of talented people is that they want to continue learning for personal and professional reasons. Companies need to offer ongoing training and development opportunities. These programs will not just benefit the employees. They will also benefit the company as a whole. Employees will see that the leadership and the company is invested in their success and wants them to grow. Offering ongoing training and development also shows talented individuals that their employers see them as more than just workers.

Creation of a Career Path

According to the Undercover Recruiter, another key trait of a successful talent management strategy for HR is the creation of a career path. A talented person wants to know that there is room for advancement within the organization. Managers and human resources specialists should create example road maps of how an employee can advance within the company. When a position opens that would be an advancement step for a talented individual, managers should not be afraid of losing that person on their team. They should instead encourage that person to apply for the advancement and even recommend them for the position.

What are the Key Traits of a Talent Management Strategy

Each of these key traits is essential to finding talented employees and keeping them within an organization. For most companies, it is more cost-effective to find ways to keep their pool of talented employees happy. Being able to answer the question, “What are the key traits of a talent management strategy?” is essential for anyone who works in HR or who has a vested interest in the management of a successful business.

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