What is Employee Relations?

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Any organization that wants to succeed in a specific industry must place emphasis on positive Employee Relations. As it might sounds, the broad term used in business refers to the relationship that is shared between an organization and its employee base. While it does sound like a very broad and obvious term, it’s one that is extremely important. It is a relationship where rapport and trust can have a direct effect on profits and business climate.

As most people who have worked in any type office setting will know, there are many different types of personalities. Each of these personalities can affect the environment at work, the collaboration between departments, and ultimately, whether or not the goals and objectives of the organization are met. Here is more information about Employee Relations:

Why is the Employer-Organization Relationship So Important?

Companies can purchase the best computers on the market, innovative software solutions systems, and the best materials for producing high-quality goods. You might know what you are getting when you buy material objects, but no one truly knows what they are getting when they hire an employee to do a certain job.

Since employees spend most of their waking hours in the office each day and most of their days in the week at their desks, it’s crucial that they develop some sort of relationship with colleagues, management, and executives. If no time is spent trying to build a rapport, there’s no healthy relationship established and there is bound to be a decrease in performance and productivity. Happy and engaged employees produce the best work.

Relations in Numbers

While the numbers vary from industry to industry and position to position, according to the Society for Human Resource Management, it costs an average of $4,129 just to hire an individual. This includes recruitment costs, the cost of new equipment, and the cost to order background checks.

Since it costs so much to find a new employee, employee retention is crucial. The only way to retain employees would be to guarantee that employees trust the organization and that they are engaged. Not only are happy employees who feel connected to their company less likely to leave, they are far more productive. According to Fortune, happy employees are an average of 12 percent more productive. It pays in many ways to have good employee-organization relationships.

Who Is In Charge of Employee Relation Efforts?

Someone has to be in charge of employee engagement and satisfaction surveys or there would be no way to track when morale is high and when it is low. Companies that don’t even make the effort to track satisfaction or involve their employees will undoubtedly have high turnover rates. Those who have made it part of their initiative to stay on top of employee satisfaction leave the task to Human Resource Managers and department heads.

There are very simple ways and more involved ways for Human Resource Managers to improve satisfaction among staff members. It all starts with the team, where employees spend the most amount of time and communicate with the most colleagues.

By asking for input and recognizing performers, a company can help to make work interesting and rewarding. More ways for companies to reduce turnover while still staying profitable is to offer career development opportunities while still promoting a work-life balance. Investing in Employee Relations efforts is investing in the brand.